SWC Issues Statement Following President Biden Calling for Gaza Hospitals to be ‘Protected’

November 14, 2023

Human Rights NGO Appreciates Support Administration Continues to Show for Israel

LOS ANGELES – As the SWC marches in Washington, DC with tens of thousands for the March for Israel, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean and Director of Global Social Action at the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), issued the following statement in response to reporting that President Biden said that hospitals in Gaza ‘must be protected’:

“Mr. President, we appreciate your clear support—practical and moral—as it responds to the Hamas terrorists’ unspeakable crimes against humanity. Like you we are also concerned for the fate of innocents in Gaza, particularly in Hamas-controlled hospitals where they continue to hold Gazans and kidnapped Israelis, Americans and other nationals as hostages.”
Indeed, the Jerusalem Post reported that “IDF issued a statement early Tuesday morning that it is coordinating the transfer of incubators for newborns from an Israeli hospital to Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza.”

The announcement comes as it conducts an ongoing effort to provide humanitarian assistance to the Gazan hospital.

‘The IDF remains committed to upholding its moral and professional responsibilities to distinguish between civilians and Hamas terrorists,’ the military spokesperson said. ‘The IDF is willing to work with any reliable mediating party to ensure the transfer of the incubators.’
Please President Biden, don’t criticize Israel about its actions in and around the Hamas terrorist command centers—tell Hamas leaders that they we be held responsible for every civilian casualty. Urge Qatar, who you identify as America’s ally to bring direct pressure on Hamas to stop its crimes against humanity, including setting up their military command and control beneath the hospitals, and to release all the hostages now.”

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About the Simon Wiesenthal Center  
The Simon Wiesenthal Center is one of the largest international Jewish human rights organizations in the United States. It is an NGO at international agencies including the United Nations, UNESCO, the OSCE, the OAS, the Council of Europe and the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino).


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