SWC Defending Israel at UN in Geneva

June 20, 2023


 Against the backdrop of another terrorist attack in the Jewish State leaving 4 Israelis murdered, the Simon Wiesenthal Center called the the United Nations Commission of Inquiry (COI) “a one-sided hate machine, with a non-stop cash flow, unleashing mayhem”. The Simon Wiesenthal Center has consistently called for the dismantling of the anti-Israel Commission of Inquiry. The United Nations Human Rights Council was listed as #2 on the Center's 2022 Top Ten Worst Global anti-Semitic Incidents.

In Geneva, a Wiesenthal Centre delegation led by Director for International Relations, Dr. Shimon Samuels, outlined today’s developments at the UN Human Rights Council session on the COI. Speaking to the Commission, Dr. Samuels said the “COI is a poison pill against peace, standing for violence, terror and anti-Semitism. He publicly called on member-states of the Human Rights Council to publicly denounce the COI and thereby focus on the path to peace.

More from Dr. Samuels in Geneva:
  • The COI’s one-sided attacks, consistently targeting Israel - accused, among other heinous crimes, of “harassment, colonialism, deportation, arbitrary detention and killing, smearing campaigns, infringement of privacy and apartheid... ”  

  • There is a blatant downplaying any human rights violation of the “Palestinian Authority” and the “de-facto authority in Gaza”

  • 27 states, led by the US, questioned the COI’s impartiality and independence, calling for its review and eventual termination; UN Human Rights Commissioner COI head Navi Pillay appears blind to this position UNHCR-COI_6-2023-2

  • COI Special Rapporteur, Miloon Kothari (pictured far right with Navanethem Pillay (center), the chair of the COI and Chris Sidoti (left): Why is Israel even a member of the United Nations?”... and claims “social media that is controlled largely by the Jewish lobby,” relaying clear ant-Semitic tropes
  •  A member-State recently announced, “We do not support boycotts, but the boycott of Israel is legitimate, just as we support organizations that attack Israel”

For further information contact the Center’s Communications department at pressinquiries@wiesenthal.com, join the Center on Facebook, or follow @simonwiesenthal for news updates sent directly to your Twitter feed.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is one of the largest international Jewish human rights organizations in the United States. It is an NGO at international agencies including the United Nations, UNESCO, the OSCE, the OAS, the Council of Europe and the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino).

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