EU Campaign Against BREXIT- Northern Ireland Takes an Anti-Jewish Dimension

August 19, 2022

Paris - The European Union, displays its chagrin at the departure of the United Kingdom, known as BREXIT, carrying with it Northern Ireland as part of Great Britain. For the Irish Republic known as Ulster.
For years, violence took place between Irish Catholics and British Protestants. Then known as “The Troubles” brought to an end by the late Lord Trimble. In any case, the capital, Belfast, which was divided by a wall between the two faith constituencies and opened each day for crossings, has now been removed.
Dr Shimon Samuels, Wiesenthal Centre Director for International Relations, visited the small Jewish community. Disturbed at the Catholic war graffiti for portraying the PLO as heroes. Also the Protestants public event, the burning “the Catholic” (a doll) on bonfires.
The reported irony began last year with a stop in Kosher meat, explained as "BREXIT difficulties." Despite this, some now believe that the BREXITERS are campaigning for further trouble. Now, it has been claimed that the European Union is blocking Kosher food for Northern Ireland.
“This bears the reminiscence of Nazi Germany,” stated Samuels.
Northern Ireland Secretary Blandon Lewis, now an MP, claimed, “Where if I saw anything against the Jewish community of Northern Ireland, if coming from the European Union, was trying to block Jews from getting access to Kosher products.”
Speaking of Prime Minister candidate, Liz Truss, "whom I have worked with, whether it is on Northern Ireland issues or defending and protecting the Jewish community, has been absolutely at the forefront of what is right."
“What is next, ‘circumcision’? We are watching closely,” concluded Samuels.

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The Simon Wiesenthal Center is one of the largest international Jewish human rights organizations with over 400,000 member families in the United States. It is an NGO at international agencies including the United Nations, UNESCO, the OSCE, the OAS, the Council of Europe and the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino).

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