Venezuelan Municipalities Take Action Against Antisemitism Despite Central Government Policy

February 10, 2022

Buenos Aires and Paris - The Venezuelan cities of Chacao, Baruta and El Hatillo, State of Miranda, this week issued a Joint Manifesto against Anti-Semitism. Its content includes approval of the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism.

This serves as an invitation to national, state and municipal authorities as well as private institutions to continue this path. Another commitment urges education in primary schools on the Holocaust.

Dr. Ariel Gelblung, Director of the Wiesenthal Center for Latin America commented, “We have cooperated by providing content to the promoters of this revolutionary campaign. We are committed  to promoting this programme throughout the continent.”

“Venezuela is a dictatorship that broke off relations with Israel, is an active ally of Iran that denies the Holocaust and provides refuge to members of Hezbollah, while 75% of a once-thriving Jewish community have left the country. The programme of anti-Maduro municipalities is an exciting step to democracy. Their focus on Israeli democracy, antisemitism, and the dangers of Hizbollah terrorism and Iranian genocidal intent will continue with the support of the Wiesenthal Centre,” concluded Dr. Shimon Samuels, Center’s Director for International Relations.

For further information, please contact Dr. Shimon Samuels at +336 09770158 or Dr. Ariel Gelblung at +54 9 11 49695365, join the Center on Facebook, or follow @simonwiesenthal for news updates sent directly to your Twitter feed.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is one of the largest international Jewish human rights organizations with over 400,000 member families in the United States. It is an NGO at international agencies including the United Nations, UNESCO, the OSCE, the OAS, the Council of Europe and the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino).

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