Commemorating Yom Hashoah - Remembering Anne Frank

April 30, 2014


Buddy Elias - Anne Frank's first cousin and closest living relative (pictured top, left) spoke to an audience filled with Holocaust survivors, including Simon Wiesenthal Center Trustees David and Fela Shapell (pictured top, right), diplomats, business and political leaders during a Yom Hashoah commemoration at the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Museum of Tolerance.

Mr. Elias, President of the Basel-based Anne Frank Fond, strategic partner and supporter of the Anne exhibit, told the crowd, in part, "Can there be hope after Auschwitz? What will we learn from the Holocaust? Anne went to her death along with 1.5 million children. When we gather to commemorate the victims of the Shoah, we restore dignity to the dead. The Holocaust is a terrible tragedy one must never forget."

Mr. Elias warned, "Anti-Semitism is everywhere in the world ... we need to fight anti-Semitism and erase hatred."

"Our partners of this wonderful exhibit tell the story of the life of Anne and of the [Frank] family and I am delighted that thousands of young people will learn about Anne. I have no words…this exhibit about Anne, this is not just an exhibit…it’s wonderful, informative … sensational. Anne would be proud, happy that her message for peace is in this museum."


In the Anne exhibit; L-R Rabbi Marvin Hier, SWC Dean and Founder, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, SWC Associate Dean, Buddy Elias, Liebe Geft, Museum of Tolerance Director and Gerti Elias.

The Museum of Tolerance invites you to meet:

Anne Frank’s closest living relative
7:00 pm

Join in the conversation as Buddy Elias shares memories of his beloved first cousin and childhood playmate, Anne Frank. Buddy's wife, Gerti, discusses the treasure trove of 6,000 family documents, photographs, letters, drawings and poems discovered in Buddy’s mother’s attic.

A reception and book signing will follow the program.

No Charge. Reservations Required.
More information/Register now...

Before the event:
Tour ANNE, the extraordinary new experiential exhibit on the life and legacy of Anne Frank.

Tours should be scheduled for 5:30 pm and earlier to allow sufficient time prior to the program.

Advance ticket purchase required. Purchase your tickets now 
or by phone at (310)772-2506.
Free for MOT Members, but reservations are required.

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