Rabbi Taub Remembered For Preserving the Memory of the Holocaust

May 2, 2019

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Simon Wiesenthal Center remembers Rabbi Mendel Taub, the Rabbi of Kaliv, who passed away earlier this week.

"Rabbi Taub dedicated his life to the Jewish people and the the memory of the victims of the Shoah,” said Simon Wiesenthal Center officials, adding, “He will never be forgotten.”

Rabbi Taub was a survivor of Nazi concentration camps including Auschwitz where he was deported to in 1944 and was experimented on by Dr. Josef Mengele while in Auschwitz.  He was then sent to the Warsaw Ghetto, the Breslau concentration camp and finally to Bergen-Belsen, the same camp were Anne Frank died.

Rabbi Taub was the seventh generation of Hassidic Rabbis from Kaliv.

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